My concern is deeper than just that however since I can't believe that our attitude toward our church would be different than our attitude towards our relationship to Christ! Do we really think we can have a proper, satisfying, faith-filling relationship to Christ by giving Him, at best a 30 second prayer at meals added with a 5 minute prayer before bed???? Will attendance at worship church (no Sunday School; no evening or midweek service) really be all we need? Will that kind of a time investment give us the faith that sustains WHEN (not if) life goes bad/ our family turns against us / our health fails / and society at large writes us off as not valuable?
I have questions about these things. I feel that I have been born 'out of season' in the sense that what I see in the Bible about what God expects our personal life; our family life; and our church life in no way resembles what they actually are as being played out in our lives.
I know that the 'MESSAGE" is the only important aspect BUT I presently don't see the "MESSAGE" being given the prime and supreme position it is commanded to be in the Bible.
May God help me to do what I can as close to the way God wants me to do it.