Friday, August 12, 2011

In My Mind, What a View!

Since I left the pastorate last month, I've been using a devotional written by Free Will Baptist pastor Randy Sawyer called "Regaining Balance: 91 Days of prayer and praise". Each day Pastor Randy calls to attention a portion of scripture and guides the reader through thoughts, reflections and praise to God. I don't normally share my devotions with anyone but I seem prompted to do so today.

Today is day 18 of the study and Psalm 8:1-9 was the scripture. It begins: " O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens."

Pastor Randy asked the reader to take some time to look at a beautiful landscape or think about one. Think about how it all came into being and asked what does it tell the reader about the Creator?

This was my own poor but heartfelt response: " I've seen many places over the earth.....Of all the sights, the one I remember thinking of God and His majesty was not the most beautiful sight I've seen but one I remember well. I was flying back from Chicago to Toledo, Ohio one early evening, some years ago, on Air Wisconsin a small commuter airline. I was flying in a plane I believe was called a Metroliner; a small, perhaps 12 passenger turboprop plane. The plane never did get very high so I was able to see the coast of Lake Michigan and then the farms, towns and villages of northern Indiana and Ohio. As it was evening, the lights of the towns below started coming on but yet I could still clearly see as it wasn't totally dark yet. Even at that low altitude how small these towns and people seemed. I remember vividly these many years down the road of my life, thinking of how small and insignificant I am to the earth and society; how much the world would not even miss me should I pass from this earth.....and yet God, the Creator of all that there is, everywhere, cares for me; loves me; is concerned with my day-to-day life here on this small 'blue marble' we call earth. That this God, the only God loves me....ME!!! That He wants me to be with HIM forever eternally!!! That He provided all that is necessary for that to happen!!!. How could I not praise Him!  The psalmist was right: Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

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