Friday, May 6, 2011

A New Direction

Well, Last Sunday (the 1st of May 2011), I announced to my church that I'm resigning as pastor. I've been praying about this and seeking advice of other pastors I respect about this. But it comes down to what God wants.

I don't think it can be explained to others when the Holy Spirit so 'pushes/impresses/directs (there's not really an adequate word)' you to an action.
The first duty of a pastor (beyond direction from God) is to put the needs of his church ahead of his own. While I certainly did not want to resign (I personally wanted to pastor until God called me home) it was necessary for the church. Since very few christians are loyal to a set of beliefs about what the Bible says (that's denomination's purpose), the only way I can see for smaller churches to survive is by living directly in the vicinity of the church.
The trend early in this 21st century is for people to migrate to large, megachurches. While there are certainly things megachurches can do, there are many things they cannot do as well. It is said that each person can have not more than 60 or 65 close friends; beyond that, they are just acquaintances. I believe you lose the sense of 'church family' at megachurches. You lose accountability to one another as well. And I believe that last point is why a great deal of people 'attach' themselves to a accountability! If you're not there, no one really notices! You have no real ministry so it doesn't matter if you are there. You never have to worry about being a part of the worship since all that is done for you; the special singing, the visitation, the outreach, all of it.
The church I pastor MUST decide whether they wish to survive and grow or to stay the same and continue the path we've been experiencing the past few years. It's just that simple!
As for me and my wife, I have no idea what the Lord has in store for us. Few churches in the day that we live in have any use for a 62 year old preacher. I'm not sure how I'll be able to handle that but as the Bible says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". I'm going to have to hold on to that promise tightly from now on!
As to those who continue to believe my resignation has to do with the health of my wife......what else can I say, her health had nothing to do with it!!! My decision was directed by the Holy Spirit! It wasn't what I wanted at all!! In the end it wasn't my decision, it was God's.
May God always get the glory!!!

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