Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's thursday and improvement is continuing

It's Thursday afternoon, the 29th and LaDonna continues to improve slowly. She is still eating semisolid food due to her teeth and that may be slowing her recovery some.

She is not back to normal as far as her entire digestive system is concerned as I've given her some imodium. I believe that was anticipated as that medication was mentioned as a possibility in her release orders about medication.

She is not taking much pain medication at all now. She is taking 3 or 4 'laps' around our back porch concrete pad a couple of times a day now. I have to remind her that her incision cut her diaphram open and that will need a lot of time for recovery.

She is not taking any of her vitamin supplements yet because her digestive system is not back to normal and we need to see that improve before we introduce anything else to her diet.

Of course we miss the church a lot but, I will be, someway, returning for Sunday services this next Sunday. LaDonna is still weeks away from a trip that long and strenuous. And she is nowhere near being able to sit up for that long yet.

That's about it for now....God bless to all who have prayed and are continuing to pray.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

LaDonna is getting better and better at home

It's the 27th of May (our oldest, David Russell's birthday) and LaDonna is continuing to improve at home.

First of all, she's really happy to be at home.

She is limited to our family room level of our front-to-back split house. We put a twin bed there. Her appetite is improving even though I'm limiting her to soft foods due to her dentures problem I've discussed before in this blog. I'm giving her scrambled eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, and mashed potatoes and Salisbury steak for lunch. Last night she had meatloaf and mashed potatoes. She has had ice cream for in between meals. I'm trying to figure out how to give her variety in her meals and at the same time giving her something that will be easy on her gums.

She walked out on the back deck (downstairs, of course) today, several laps so that is good for her.

She has to go back to see the surgeon June 4th (staples removal and check up of her recovery) and our family doctor June 20th (for recovery checkup), as well as the previously scheduled trip to St Louis to Barnes Hospital for her vitamin A problem June 24th.
We have heard nothing about the liver biopsy yet.

Of course, going to the state meeting in Springfield the first week of June is completely out of the question and I'm glad we already canceled our trip to the National in July. LaDonna's complete recovery will pretty much take care of the entire summer. Her attendance at VBS in June is, of course, also out of the question now.

I imagine it will be at least another month before she can make the trip to church. I'm figuring her first long car trip will be the trip to St Louis to Barnes Hospital June 24th. And that will probably be a 3 day affair: day one will be the trip over; day 2 will be the actual visit to the doctor; and day 3 will be the trip back. Of course the Lord may accelerate her healing so nothing is set in stone. I AM hoping she is well enough for me to go to church this coming Sunday without having to get our son Doug or daughter-in-law to come over from Topeka to be with her while I'm at church. My two weeks of vacation time away from the church will be up by this coming Sunday. The Lord will take care of all though. He always provides a way.

We are still without any air conditioning; the complete replacement of the heat pump/furnace is supposed to start sometime the first week of June. The hardware is costing nothing but I have to pay for the labor...which is somewhere in the $900 category. This has been an expensive spring to be sure.

Continue to pray for LaDonna as, of course as it is with most of us, she wants to recover quicker than her body will allow her.

That's all for now.

God Bless and thanks for all your prayers.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday afternoon, May 25th and we're home!!

I didn't get a chance to blog anything from the hospital this morning because they told us that LaDonna could go home and it happened so quick. Thank the Lord that He was gracious to bring LaDonna back to a healthy enough condition that she was able to come home today.

She still has a long recovery period to go before she will be back to being able to go to church and do all the things she did before but yet she is on her way!

We bought a twin bed and have put it in the family room so she will not have to do the stairs, at least at first. Also it's cooler down in the family room which is important because, if you read the earlier blog entries, they won't be able to replace the furnace/heat pump in our house before the first week of June.

It's the hottest day of the year so far but the wind is blowing good so we have all the windows open (which we never ususally do because of my asthma) but it's bearable.

Continue to pray for her quick recovery.
The entries will probably only be once a day now. Also pray that I'll be able to attend to all of LaDonna's needs. First up, I'll have to find out what she can eat (due to her teeth/dentures problem that started these bad 2 weeks) as well as being easy on her 'reconstructed' digestive system.

God is great and we praise His name.

Love & prayers,

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Afternoon May 23rd 5:30pm

I'm really seeing improvement in LaDonna's recovery this afternoon. She is off the morphine IV and is taking her pain medication and her antibiotics with pills.

She has walked a couple of times so far today with 2 more to go.

She still isn't eating a lot but she is used to eating just a little bit about 6 times a day instead of eating 3 large meals as most people do. That's just how gastric bypass recepients learn to eat.

Not much else to say at this time.

This may or may not be the last blog of the day.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave

Friday Morning 10:15am

The surgeon, Dr. Jones was just in to see LaDonna. In the meantime the furosemide has 'kicked in' and she is going to the bathroom a lot. Dr. Jones said she is doing well and would imagine LaDonna being sent home sometime through the long weekend.

LaDonna asked her how long this condition (the large intestine that 'kinked over' on itself ) took to get so bad. Dr. Jones said it happens very quick; probably only a couple of days or so.

LaDonna is trying to sleep right now but the furosemide is causing her to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes or so. She has pushed the 'call button' for that reason right now.

More later......

Friday Morning May 23rd 9am

LaDonna is having her breakfast right now. She was down at x-ray because our family doctor, Dr. Davis was hearing some liquid in her lungs this morning when he was in.
LaDonna is feeling better again this morning. Dr. Davis is going to give her one dose of Lasik (water pill) to increase her urine output because they are still not pleased with that.

She is still having problems eating enough (drinking really since she is on liquids because of her dentures/gums problem) to suit them.

It is still unclear as to when LaDonna may be released from the hospital. Although there has been some talk as to being released this weekend, I still believe that she won't be released until early next week. Stay tuned for that.

Her surgeon, Dr. Jones has not been in yet today so no info on that front.

It seems that LaDonna is able to get up a little easier for her talks and trips to the bathroom.

I'll blog more later as info comes in.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Things are looking better now that it's Thursday nite

LaDonna is doing much better this evening than she was doing this afternoon. She ate a little bit of her liquid diet this evening; better than the noon meal. The aide still stresses over how little bit she is 'eating' of the liquid diet but I remind her that LaDonna is a gastric bypass recipient and does not take as much in as a normal person. Still, she needs to take more calories in but I believe she will do better tomorrow as she did much better tonight. She had a little bit of her 'Ensure', a little bit of her 'cream of chicken soup', a little bit of her ice cream, and a little bit of her yogurt. She also had a few sips of hot decaf tea.

She has taken 3 of her 4 requested 'walks' today. She is walking (with the aid of a walker and and aide) to the other side of the 'wing' she is in here at Olathe Medical Center. And she is walking a little quicker each time.

She is, however still on the IV and is on the patient initiated morphine pain killer. She is 'pushing the button' less and less I believe.

She MUST be doing better because she is presently watching "Wheel of Fortune" on tv (one of her favorites although I fail to see the attraction in the program). That is an indication that she is starting to get closer to being 'her old self'.

This will most likely be my last post of the evening.
Continue to pray for her recovery; both for her major surgery AND her gums/denture problem.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave

A Good day turned not so good

Today started out looking good. The surgeon put her on solid food. But when they brought it in, she tried to sit on the side of the bed.....a terrible idea it seems as she started hurting terribly. Also, as you remember last week started with LaDonna having all her teeth pulled and dentures put in the same day (a week ago Monday) and that they bled all week (up until yesterday, actually). Because she has been in the hospital and unable to actually have her new dentures in her mouth, now her mouth is too sore for her to put her dentures in. The result is that she couldn't eat anything on her regular food tray for lunch, not because of her operation but because she simply couldn't stand her dentures in her mouth. Well, they brought her a liquid tray again and she ate just a little bit. It is becoming a bit of a concern that she is not getting much nutrition through eating. She won't be released from the hospital until she actually has a bowl movement.

Anyway, continue to pray for her entire health....from her operation to her teeth.

God Bless

LaDonna's surgeon was just in

LaDonna's surgeon, Dr. Jones was just in to see her. She still expressed concern over the little amount of liquid she was passing. Dr. Jones also said she'd change LaDonna's diet to have a little more substantial food to see how she would tolerate it. She did note how warm LaDonna's stomach was.

When LaDonna asked her when she might be able to go home, she said, maybe in a couple of perhaps LaDonna will get to go home earlier than I anticipated. ....We'll have to just wait and see.

That's all for now.....God Bless

Family doctor just visited

Our family doctor, Dr. Davis just came by (8:30am) and said she was progressing 'ok'. He said that, once her intestines ''wake up' and start functioning normally; she is able to walk better; and is off the pain medication, she should be able to go home. He did not give a time frame for that to happen but I'm guessing that might be early next week.

Dr. Davis said that he has not heard anything back from the liver biopsy they did during her emergency surgery last Saturday but that the results shouldn't prevent her from going home when she has sufficiently improved.

Continue to pray for God's healing touch for LaDonna.
God bless

Thursday morning update

It's about 8:30am,, Thursday the 22nd of May (2 days away from our 39th anniversary) and LaDonna is still on the mend; no setbacks overnight (that we know of anyway). No doctor has been in to see her yet today but the nurse told us that her diet has been changed from just clear liquids to all liquids. So she should see perhaps some creamed soup today and orange juice perhaps. We imagine that they will have her sit up more today; especially since she seems to be getting sores on her back from laying down most of the time. I would also imagine they will encourage her to walk further today. Not much else to say on the 'health front'.

Sister Delphia and Brother George visited yesterday. I believe LaDonna enjoyed getting to visit with them.

Continue to keep LaDonna in your prayers. And, be in church somewhere this coming holiday weekend.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It rains on the just and the unjust....part 2

Just heard back from AFC heating and cooling....the manufacturer agreed to put in, not only a new compressor and entire outside unit but to put in a new furnace unit inside as well. All I have to pay is the labor (which will still be $790 plus tax). The BAD news is that they can't put it in until the week of June 1st. I'm praying that the weather won't get too hot when I take LaDonna home (don't know when that will be at this time).

LaDonna just had her first try of (food???) was actually clear liquids. However she had a little bit of jello, some beef broth and some decaf iced tea. There was more on the tray but that was more than she could get down the first time.

I can't read my own posts from the hospital because their internet access blocks me seeing those pages (dont' ask me why) so I don't know if I mentioned it before but she now has her catheter out.

I doubt if there is any more news for today (Wednesday) but you never can tell.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave