Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's thursday and improvement is continuing

It's Thursday afternoon, the 29th and LaDonna continues to improve slowly. She is still eating semisolid food due to her teeth and that may be slowing her recovery some.

She is not back to normal as far as her entire digestive system is concerned as I've given her some imodium. I believe that was anticipated as that medication was mentioned as a possibility in her release orders about medication.

She is not taking much pain medication at all now. She is taking 3 or 4 'laps' around our back porch concrete pad a couple of times a day now. I have to remind her that her incision cut her diaphram open and that will need a lot of time for recovery.

She is not taking any of her vitamin supplements yet because her digestive system is not back to normal and we need to see that improve before we introduce anything else to her diet.

Of course we miss the church a lot but, I will be, someway, returning for Sunday services this next Sunday. LaDonna is still weeks away from a trip that long and strenuous. And she is nowhere near being able to sit up for that long yet.

That's about it for now....God bless to all who have prayed and are continuing to pray.


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