Tuesday, May 27, 2008

LaDonna is getting better and better at home

It's the 27th of May (our oldest, David Russell's birthday) and LaDonna is continuing to improve at home.

First of all, she's really happy to be at home.

She is limited to our family room level of our front-to-back split house. We put a twin bed there. Her appetite is improving even though I'm limiting her to soft foods due to her dentures problem I've discussed before in this blog. I'm giving her scrambled eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, and mashed potatoes and Salisbury steak for lunch. Last night she had meatloaf and mashed potatoes. She has had ice cream for in between meals. I'm trying to figure out how to give her variety in her meals and at the same time giving her something that will be easy on her gums.

She walked out on the back deck (downstairs, of course) today, several laps so that is good for her.

She has to go back to see the surgeon June 4th (staples removal and check up of her recovery) and our family doctor June 20th (for recovery checkup), as well as the previously scheduled trip to St Louis to Barnes Hospital for her vitamin A problem June 24th.
We have heard nothing about the liver biopsy yet.

Of course, going to the state meeting in Springfield the first week of June is completely out of the question and I'm glad we already canceled our trip to the National in July. LaDonna's complete recovery will pretty much take care of the entire summer. Her attendance at VBS in June is, of course, also out of the question now.

I imagine it will be at least another month before she can make the trip to church. I'm figuring her first long car trip will be the trip to St Louis to Barnes Hospital June 24th. And that will probably be a 3 day affair: day one will be the trip over; day 2 will be the actual visit to the doctor; and day 3 will be the trip back. Of course the Lord may accelerate her healing so nothing is set in stone. I AM hoping she is well enough for me to go to church this coming Sunday without having to get our son Doug or daughter-in-law to come over from Topeka to be with her while I'm at church. My two weeks of vacation time away from the church will be up by this coming Sunday. The Lord will take care of all though. He always provides a way.

We are still without any air conditioning; the complete replacement of the heat pump/furnace is supposed to start sometime the first week of June. The hardware is costing nothing but I have to pay for the labor...which is somewhere in the $900 category. This has been an expensive spring to be sure.

Continue to pray for LaDonna as, of course as it is with most of us, she wants to recover quicker than her body will allow her.

That's all for now.

God Bless and thanks for all your prayers.


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